Our Story

We're The Wilborns

This Is Our Story

This is one of my favorite stories to tell. It is the story about how the God of creation stopped me in my tracks, changed my life and sent me down a path that He ordained for me before I was born. 

I was 23 years old, living in a hotel room, ravaged by addiciton and in and out of jail. I was emotionally depleted from a life of chaos, abuse, addiciton, and mental torment. I had recently left an abusive relationship that mirrored the abuse I received from my father, an unfortunate “normal” for me. In that new found freedom from that man that hurt me so often, I had a desire to know what true love was. I was desperate to be healthy, to live a life of peace, and to finally break free from my addictions the demons that wrecked my mind daily. My grandmother, Christine Louise Doman, faithfully told me about Christ all of my life. Though it took 23 years to finally come around to the idea of a God that loved me despite how awful I was, I eventually did. In fact, I desperately wanted to know Him and be known by Him. Thus began my walk with Christ. 

In that dirty hotel room, Yeshua met me where I was. He revealed himself to me in a way that left me forever changed and set ablaze for Him. For weeks all I did was consume the Word, go to work at a local restaurant for my nightly shifts, and go to church. It was a complete 180 from the way I had lived for so long. In a small amount of time I learned much. The biggest thing I learned? That Christ loved me, died for me and gave me His Spirit to walk with that I may conquer my sin by His power. I read Galatians 5:16 which states that “if you are led by the Spirit you will not gratify the desires of the flesh”, and a lightbulb light up in my head. THAT WAS THE ANSWER! If I let His Spirit lead me, I won’t accept abusive mens version of “love”, I would be able to stop drinking, stay out of jail, and maybe… just maybe… live a normal + quiet life. You see, that is all I craved, and still do, almost 6 years later. A simple, peaceful, godly life. He has been so faithful to provide this to me. 

During this revelation of Galatians 5:16 the lord gave me a vision for this ministry you are looking into right now. A ministry that spoke life + hope into the addicted, the lost, the depressed, the manic, the homeless, and the misfits of this world. He was clear I would have a podcast, and much more to make this possible. Here is what has happened since that hotel room stay with Jesus. 

Shortly after, I moved back home with my family and continued my seeking of God. I got a job, started going to local recovery meetings, and did my best to work on my sobriety. Through this, I met a guy, his name is Trey. He too was walking the early road of recovery. Though everyone around said to not be together, it was dangerous, we were crazy, etc, God kept confirming we were supposed to be together. We eventually went on to get married and have our daughter, Dylin. After buying our first home, I started a small business. At first, I thought this business would be the “Spirit Led” thing the lord had revealed all those years ago, but it was not yet time. I started with custom apparel and over time, God added to my business with new embroidery machines, ideas, and customers. Eventually, Trey left his landscaping job and came on full time to run a business together. It was SO scary but we knew the Lord was calling us to it so we jumped in feet first! We have been running our custom apparel business together now for 2 years.

About a year ago, the Lord said to me “it’s time”, which led me down this path of really seeking His face on what He wants for Spirit Led Collective and slowly but surely preparing for it’s launch. Now, exactly 3 years to the date since opening our LLC, we are launching Spirit Led Collective! We will be sharing weekly podcasts, online devotionals, blogs, christian apparel and more! A portion of every sale goes towards clothing the homeless and addicted and sharing the gospel with them! Our mission is to share what God has taught us about how life changing being Spirit Led is in this life. We hope you receive revelation from Him and that we get to play any part that God wants us to in your life.

Thank you for reading this + thank you for your support. We are eternally grateful. 

- Trey + Chelsie