Overcoming Pride

in Jan 25, 2024
Pride is an enemy of God. Yet, we all struggle with it. It’s what got satan thrown out of heaven. It can lead addicts to believe they can drink like normal people, it can lead families to be destroyed, marriages to end, children to be traumatized, and so many more devastating aftermaths from this little thing called pride.
Thankfully, we are not enemies of God due to the loving sacrifice of Christ on the cross at calvary. Still, my pride comes in many forms. At times, I feel like I know everything and refuse instruction and sound advice, I can be slow to apologize and repentance, I am really good at covering up emotional pain with impulse spending & eating. Allowing pride to prevent me from open my mouth and talking about how I'm feeling. The most prideful of all is when I start to think I don’t need God, or that by what I do for God is what saves me and not the blood of Jesus alone! What are ways your pride rears its ugly head? Sit and think for a moment. Self-reflection & self-awareness are a gift.
To examine yourself is biblical: Romans 12:3 “*For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”
This is not a self condemnation kinda post. This is a look at yourself (I'm lookin’ at me too, friend) and take it to the Lord-advice. This is what I have learned in my journey from pride:
The first thing that comes to mind is James 5:16 ”Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
There is power in confession. Pride says withhold. It says don’t admit. It wills you to walk in puffed up anger, arrogance, know-it-all-ness. The Spirit says let go, admit, and receive healing and deliverance. Pride places importance on self and destroys us and those around us. My main point in this: don’t let pride continue to hold you back from your relationships and what the Lord has for you. Examine yourself, practice humility & mercy (on yourself & others) and admit where you're going wrong. As you practice this it will become second nature and you will see the fruit of it.
I have learned the power in confession is more than just overcoming pride, it’s learning also that I am not alone in my struggles. I am no where near perfect and honestly I struggle daily with forms of pride, but I am thankful that I am at least aware of it to be able to take it to the Lord and ask for help in overcoming it.
Asking for prayer from said trusted friend will be a key to truly unlocking freedom in this. Prayer is so powerful, ya’ll. I have seen God move mountains by a simple prayer of faith. It reminds me of the part in Matthew where a group of people are lowering a paralytic man through the roof to get to Yeshua! That is a perfect depiction of friends laying you at the feet of Christ through prayer.
Find a person or two that you truly trust and begin to practice the act of confession and prayer! It takes the power out of it all by getting it out of your mind and spirit and builds you up through prayer.
I pray this blesses you today, friends. 🌱

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