Trusting God In The Trials

in Dec 14, 2023

Since I was a little girl I was very aware of God's presence. Though I was young, and quite abused, I still knew deep in my bones that God was real and He was good. Despite the painful trials I endured by the hands of the people that should have loved me gently, my heart was not hardened to my Creator. I sympathize, but cannot empathize with those who question the goodness of God by comparing Him to the wickedness of this world. 

     The lull of the ocean, the joy of your children's birth, the quietness of the morning and the vibrancy of sunsets are all proof of God's goodness. What about when seeing those beautiful things that make life-life, we don't feel a closeness to Him? What if instead, we have a million questions about why some bad thing happened, why our bills aren't paid, why our health is declining, or why our children are stuck in painful addictions? How can we even begin to see the goodness of God in the muck of being "human"? 

     Romans 8:28 says "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose". You can trust and believe that if you love God and He has called you, then your pain has a purpose. He may not cause the pain, but He will bring it together to bless you and those around you. I have been there where reading this verse in the midst of a trial feels deeply frustrating. I don't enjoy learning lessons or walking through trials to build my character, patience, and endurance. We want to hang out, relax, and go with the good-flow of life, amiright? Well, that just ain't the way the good lord works, my friend! He is a feather ruffler! He desires deeply to grow you, your character, your personality, your experiences to bring you closer to Him and capable of helping those around you. 

      One thing I have always said is that walking with the Lord has given me a safeness that being of the world never could've. I know who I am, I know who I belong to, and I know where I am going. No matter what happens I know the Lord is in it, He has a plan, and His plans are good for me. You too, will benefit greatly by resting in this promise. The promise that though life may not always be easy, perfect, or preferred, there is goodness in every day and you will make it through. I know this may sound cliche, but I fully believe there is someone out there that will read this and be blessed by it. I have walked through darkness, addiction, abuse, incarcerations, but as I let the Spirit lead me daily, I am brought into new marvelous light at every turn. From glory to glory. I am not a believer that thinks it is Gods will for us to suffer endlessly, I believe in life and life abundantly. We do have to walk through trials at times, but trust and know that it will end, you will survive, and God will use it. Some way, some how, your story is being written by the greatest author that ever lived. God Himself. 

    I pray the Lord reveals Himself radically to you and you begin to walk by the Spirit and live life abundantly as Jesus promised in John 10:10! 

- Chelsie 

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